StoryCompact and useful. This combination is perfect for a landing page. Just a few sections, and you understand that you want to order forged metal structures here.
An unusual design decision to create the first screen from two halves. On the one hand, there is useful information that is always visible and easy to read, on the other, a slider of completed work.
You can talk for a long time about all the nuances and subtleties, but why do this when you can see the site in the “sandbox”?
What We Do
Responsive layout
Cross-browser responsive layout will allow you to correctly display the site on all devices.
All in One
Time is something that is never enough. We must save not only our own, but also other people's time. Landing page is perfect for these purposes.
All image text and favicon change from admin panel
View site in the sandbox
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Vakula landing page
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Vakula landing page
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Vakula landing page
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